Help with our Case Connect Portal

Help with our Case Connect Portal

Help with Passport Numbers

The passport number you must enter is the full 44 character number highlighted green in the image below – it is NOT the shorter number crossed out in red at the top right

Our system checks in real time the format of the number. If it does not meet the format you will see this message:

Not a valid passport number format - please check every character carefully.

There is no reason the number you have entered should be rejected if it is correctly formatted.

If you see this message, please follow these steps:

Please do not phone or email us until you have checked the format of what you have typed against your passport document and against these guidelines

  1. Count the total number of characters – it should always be exactly 44 characters in length. Every character should either be a letter or a number or the < character for padding.
  2. Check that the last two characters are numerical. Usually there will be a variable number of < characters before the last two digits for padding.
  3. If your entry is still rejected, check each section. A full explanation of how a passport number is formatted can be found at

Uploading documents to our Case Connect Portal

There are two principal methods for uploading documents into our Case Connect portal via one of the document upload fields and these depend upon the type of device you are using.

  • Smartphone/tablet

  • Desktop/laptop computer

Problems uploading are rare, but if you do experience an issue there are two points to note:

1. The nature of the problem will likely depend upon the type of device you are using.

2. The solution to the problem is almost certain to be something that you must resolve yourself. The solutions outlined below cannot be

implemented by us because they rely upon actions of the uploader.

We strongly request you read this guide carefully for instructions to resolve any uploading difficulty. If, and only if, you have exhausted these suggestions please contact us. Please do not phone or email without attempting to resolve the issue as shown.

Using an iOS smartphone/tablet

When you tap on the Upload File link you should see a dialog box. Tap on ‘Add file’.

The image above shows the behaviour using an iOS device such as an iPhone or iPad.

To upload an image you have already taken and is stored in your Camera Roll, tap ‘Photo Library’.

To take an image with your camera app and upload immediately, tap ‘Take Photo or Video’.

iOS devices generally prompt you every time but, should this not be what you see when using the native iOS browser, Safari, check the following:

Tap Settings / Safari / Camera & Microphone Access and ensure it is enabled.

Using an Android smartphone or tablet

The broad principle using an Android device is similar in that you should have the option to upload a previously taken image from the Camera Roll or take an image with the camera for immediate upload. 

The first step is again to tap on the Upload File link.  Thereafter, the dialog box may look slightly different, but the path to upload the document should be clear.  If not, please read on.


  • nothing happens, or
  • you see a dialog box that does not have a green ‘Add file’ button, or
  • nothing happens when you tap the ‘Add file’ button


It is likely that the settings on your device do not allow for the browser to access the camera on your device. 


The steps below are abridged from a Google support document available at:

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Chrome app
  2. To the right of the address bar, tap More : > Settings
  3. Under "Advanced," tap Site settings
  4. Edit the ‘Camera’ permission setting to allow access to the camera

Android devices can vary more than iOS ones so, if in doubt, please consult the help guide for your particular device and version of Android. 

Using a desktop or laptop computer

Using a computer you are unlikely to be taking pictures with an in-built camera.  It is likely you will be uploading a document already saved on the computer.  Camera permissions will not be an issue. 

To upload from your computer:

  • Click the Upload File link
  • Click the ‘Add File’ button in the dialog box
  • Browse to where you have saved the file
  • Select the file
  • Click the blue ‘Start Upload’ button in the dialog box

Your upload should complete successfully.  If you are presented with any error message, please check the following:

  • Ensure the filename of the file you are trying to upload contains only letters and numbers
  • Check the file type.  To minimise the possibility of any problems, please only use standard image formats or pdf file formats.  Do NOT try to upload .zip files, .rar files or other file-bundling formats
  • Check the file size.  If possible, reduce the file size.

Use a different device

If you have had difficulty uploading from a smartphone or tablet and you are able to try using a computer, please do so.  Alternatively, if uploading from your computer has generated an error, try using the upload from camera option of a smartphone or tablet if you have one available.

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