As the banking sector faces its largest challenge since the financial crisis, how can lenders ensure that their charges are adequately protected?
During this difficult time, lenders have withdrawn products and paused pipelines to focus on maintaining capital and dealing with payment holiday requests.
With the majority of resources being used in these areas, there is little resource left to deal with the management of securities. In the event of repossession or selling the loan book, lenders will want to know that their charge is unchallengeable.
At McVey and Murricane, we have created a variety of innovative products through our MMi Security Audit which bridges the gap between when the funds leave the lender and when the charge is registered.
For further information on how McVey and Murricane can assist, contact Fallon Sara Spencer , Principal and Head of Specialist Lending.
McVey & Murricane Solicitors,
13 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 1HY
McVey & Murricane Solicitors,
13 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 1HY
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