Aldermore Remortgage Additional Fees

Aldermore Remortgage

Additional Fees




Additional mortgage accounts to be redeemed or discharge of restrictions – where more than one charge or restriction require repayment

£50 plus VAT per additional charge or restriction

Arranging and checking indemnity policies (none title insured) – where an indemnity policy requires arranging and checking

£50 plus VAT

Bankruptcy Entries – where bankruptcy entries, or the Register of Inhibitions in Scotland requires investigation

£100 plus VAT

CHAPS same day Bank transfer of funds – to the applicant, an existing lender or creditor or returning back to Aldermore

£35 plus VAT

Change of the applicants name by deed poll and/or obtaining a statement of truth – where an applicant has changed his/her name since the date the Property was acquired

£50 plus VAT

Dealing with an independent Conveyancer (other than where the applicant is separately represented)

£150 per hour plus VAT

Deed of Postponement (Ranking Agreement in Scotland) – where a Deed of Postponement or Ranking Agreement is required

Deed of Variation – where a Deed of Variation is required

£150 plus VAT and any fee charged by the Land Register

Deed of Variation – where a Deed of Variation is required

£150 plus VAT and any fee charged by the Land Register. £Case dependent (where a bespoke document is required)

Easements – where a Deed of Grant or Release of Easement is required

£150 plus VAT and any fee charged by the Land Register

First Registration (including titles currently on the Register of Sasines) – where the title to the property is not already registered at the Land Registry under its own separate title

£150 plus VAT and any fee charged by the Land Register

RX3/RX4 forms or other Land Registry restrictions – where a restriction requires registering or removal at the Land Registry using RX3/RX4 forms

£50 plus VAT and any fee charged by the Land Register

Transfer of equity – acting on behalf of Aldermore and/or the applicant in a Transfer of equity

Bespoke sundry additional work – any bespoke additional work will be agreed between the Conveyancer acting for Aldermore and the applicant or the applicants Conveyancer

£100 plus VAT (acting for Aldermore) £200 plus VAT (acting for both Aldermore and the applicant)

Bespoke sundry additional work – any bespoke additional work will be agreed between the Conveyancer acting for Aldermore and the applicant or the applicants Conveyancer

By agreement prior to the work being undertaken to include any third-party fees where known at that time

Notes : The above supplementary legal fees will be charged where applicable and additional fees may apply for more complex transactions. Fees illustrated are based on Aldermore standard precedent documentation and do not include disbursements.

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